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A Journey to The Stars - Chapter 1 - Vishnu and Sneha ( page number 3)

Fairy was extraordinarily beautiful. Her smile was captivating, and mesmerizing. Little Vishnu looked at her in amazement. He didn't know how to react. He had never seen such a charming creature earlier. Is she a special bird 🐦?, he asked 🤔 to his own mind. Or is she a dove who transformed herself into such exotic body with special wings? He couldn't decide for a while. Then, he said to himself - may be she is  special kind of human who has come from far away stars 🌟 in the sky. With twinkle in his eyes, he looked up and said," Are you from that big big star 🌟 that shine up in the sky, in night ✨ , Aunty?" Bewitching fairy 🧚‍♀️ smiled at him. She moved her magic wand round and round towards Vishnu. And lo, it emanated drowning sweet fragrance. He felt his senses being refreshed. A kind of enjoyment he had never earlier experienced.  Tall fairy said,"Yeah! I'm from that big star, sweet little Vishnu!" Vishnu said,"Oh! You know my name! Did Sneha...

A Journey to The Stars - Chapter 1 - Vishnu and Sneha (page number 2)

One day little Vishnu was playing all by himself in the lovely garden adjacent to their house. It was all bright sunny day. The sky was clear. The cool breeze was flowing like a majestic river. The little birds were chriping on the nearby pine trees. He was busy running around trying to catch the beautiful butterflies that were flying in the garden. Sometimes a small butterfly with shining wings would sit on the petals of the rose flower as if unaware of Vishnu's presence. The naughty Vishnu would think that the butterfly was not noticing him. He would slowly walk upto the rose plant. Just as his little palm and fingers would come close to touching the dotted wings, the butterfly would fly away! He would be left thinking as to why he was not able to outwit the butterfly. Finally, he gave up chasing the butterflies. He sat down in the shade of a small tree. He looked upwards towards the sky. He saw white clouds passing by. He started counting them, ".One, two, three, four, f...

A Journey to The Stars - Chapter 1 (page number 1)

Chapter 1 Vishnu and Sneha Vishnu and sneha were two brother and sister. Vishnu was aged around four and a half years and sneha around three years of age.They both lived with their parents in a mountainous region of Himalayas. Both were quite chirpy, bubbly and full of life. Vishnu was fond of running around in the adjoing forests and hiding for hours together. Sneha would then go to her mother crying. She would say, "....Mummy,Niddhu Bhaiya is lost...." She could not pronounce the word ‘Vishnu’ as ‘Vishnu’. She pronounced the word ‘Vishnu’ as ‘Niddhu’.Her mother would then go to the nearby pine forests and say aloudly, "Vishnu, where are you?Are you hiding on the tree top, are you hiding inside the caves, are you hiding in the Indian ocean, are you hiding in the rivers, are you hiding in the mangroves, are you hiding in the eastern ghats, are you hiding in the western ghats, are you hiding in the planes, are you hiding inside sofasets, are you hiding in the stars.......